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BeemyBubble is for students, professionals and passionate language learners who are looking for an effective, fun and fast way to improve their speaking fluency and become English speaker.  

The BeemyBubble approach is essentially based on language immersion, which is by far the most effective and natural way to learn any language. This approach pushes you to think and speak only in English, in a relaxed, fun and non-judgmental environment.

You converse with a native English speaker who may not understand your mother tongue. You are therefore forced to express yourself only in English, and no longer have the possibility of returning to your own language to make yourself understood, even if you feel you need to.

By completely “switching off” your mother tongue from your brain and by training yourself to think only in English, you will condition your brain, which will gradually adapt to the exercise. Your speaking will gradually become less hesitant, more spontaneous and much more fluent.

With the BeemyBubble method – based on immersion – the trainers do not understand your language at all: you have no choice but to do everything to make yourself understood in English, even if you have questions, and progressively condition your brain to think only in English. If you make mistakes, you are gently corrected by the instructor, and this is how you progress. Just like a child who takes his first steps without holding on to a support, who falls down, and gets up again with the help of his parents, then tries again and again, until he walks naturally.

In the traditional methods, the student is often less “forced” to make himself understood in English, because he has an “emergency exit”: he can interact freely in his mother tongue at any time if necessary, and this, often to avoid making mistakes. This “comfort” has a psychological effect on the student which inhibits brain conditioning and therefore does not allow the natural fluency sought to be acquired.

Not particularly. BeemyBubble is suitable for all levels on the European CEFR scale: the standard Bubble is more suitable for intermediate (B1) to advanced (A2) learners; while the First-class Bubble is suitable for all levels, including beginners (A1-A2).

Absolutely. Generally speaking, it is only by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and taking risks to make mistakes that will you make real progress. Those who shy away from regular speaking practice will never improve their fluency and become English speakers. 

Our English-speaking trainers are caring and encouraging, and will do everything to put you at ease and allow you to express yourself in a relaxed and casual setting. In addition, the themes of the sessions are chosen according to your profile and what you like or want to talk about, so that your immersion sessions remain fun and enjoyable. As is well known, positive emotion, when associated with learning, leads to effective and long term memorization!

Just like your first day at the gym, your first driving lesson or your first steps: go for it without worrying about the eyes of others. Focus on yourself, your progress and your goals. Focus on small, regular efforts rather than large, irregular ones. You will make real and lasting progress and become an English speaker. 

Depending on your level and the suggestions of your trainer after your first immersion session. As a recommendation only, the First-class Bubble is suitable for you if you are a beginner (A1-A2), while more advanced students (B1-A2) can opt for the Standard Bubble, or the First-class if they are looking for a more detailed and in-depth follow-up. 

You have the possibility to evaluate yourself based on the post-immersion feedback that will be given to you by your trainer.

In addition, your trainer will review your progress with you, assess your achievements and highlight areas for improvement in the following month, during the immersion review session which will be held once a month. 

The minimum duration of an immersion session is 45 minutes. This is the ideal duration for this type of exercise if you are a beginner. That said, there is nothing to stop you from extending your immersion sessions to 60 minutes or more, especially if you are at a more advanced level and can easily handle the intensity of this exercise.

Ideally, 1 immersion session of 45 minutes per day, as well as a light personal preparation beforehand of the same duration as the prepared session. 

For example, for a 45-minute immersion session, plan to prepare for 45 minutes the day before your session, where you can review grammar concepts that you will work on during your session, write down some vocabulary words that you will try to place in the conversation, and/or prepare an interesting discussion topic. Ideally, do your preparation without using languages other than English, and prefer the search for meaning to the excessive use of translation.

Be careful: the aim of this preparation is not to prepare ready-made sentences to recite during your session. This would be of little interest. Rather, in addition to giving you more confidence during the session, this exercise will allow you to memorise the concepts and vocabulary you have worked on beforehand, by “bringing them to life” orally.

In general, the more you expose yourself to the immersion exercise, the faster and more sustainable your progress will be. As a guide, European estimates (ALTE) suggest that it takes a minimum of 100 hours of work – including personal preparation time and class time – to move from one level to the next on the CEFR scale. 

After completing your assessment session, you will be asked to choose the Bubble that suits you best. It will then take a maximum of 72 hours for your file to be processed, after which you can start your immersion sessions.

For your immersion sessions, you need to prepare a pair of headphones or earphones to better hear your trainer, your computer/tablet or smartphone, and the Zoom application. 

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